HOW To: Install/Flash Android Gingerbread 2.3.5 on HP Touchpad.[Step by Step Video Guide]

Soon after HP announced that it would be dumping its PC business, it also revealed that it would be discontinuing webOS development as well. HP launched the TouchPad only a few months ago, and according to reports
While everyone was wondering about the fate of webOS and writing obituaries about it, HP let out another surprise of running Android Gingerbread 2.3.5 on Hp Touchpad..

Team TouchDroid has released the Pre-Alpha build of the installation guide for Android on HP TouchPad. Touch screen works fine with this build, but Wi-Fi and few other features do not work yet.
Since, this is a Pre-Alpha build both Team TouchDroid and InfoGenra doesn’t take any responsibility if your devices are bricked. So, install at your own risk.
This is a tutorial on how to install Android Gingerbread 2.3.5 on the HP Touchpad. This is the touchdroid team's release, and We simply followed the instructions provided.

Install Android Gingerbread 2.3.5 on HP Touchpad - Touchdroid Build

To start with the installation process, first you will need to install novaterm/novacom on your machine. The guide to get them is available at
Now, download system dump and android.uImage from The mirror is available at
After downloading these files place them in your novaterm installation folder.
Follow these steps to install Android on your HP TouchPad
1. Open a command prompt / terminal window and type
2. Run the following commands in novaterm to create partitions for Android

Resize /media first:
vm.static lvresize -L -1706M /dev/store/media
lvm.static lvcreate -L 10M -n android-persist store
lvm.static lvcreate -L 32M -n android-etc store
lvm.static lvcreate -L 320M -n android-system store
lvm.static lvcreate -L 320M -n android-cache store
lvm.static lvcreate -L 1024M -n android-data store
Create partitions for android:
mkfs.ext3 /dev/store/android-cache
mkfs.ext3 /dev/store/android-data
mkfs.ext3 /dev/store/android-etc
mkfs.ext3 /dev/store/android-persist
mkfs.ext3 /dev/store/android-system

3. In novaterm, mount the system partition on /tmp/system
mkdir /tmp/system/
mount -o loop -t ext3 /dev/mapper/store-android--system /tmp/system/

4. Open a new command/terminal window and run the following (not in novaterm):
novacom put file://tmp/system/ <
5. Unzip and move files
/tmp/system/ (in novaterm):
cd /tmp/system/
tar -xvf
cd system
mv * ../
cd ..
rm -rf system

6. unmount /tmp/system:
cd /
umount /tmp/system
7. boot into bootie by running the following (in novaterm):
tellbootie recover
8. Open a new command/terminal window and change to novaterm folder and run the following:
novacom boot mem:// < android.uImage
9. Now press the volume up button on the TouchPad until you see a purple line on the right hand side.
10. And now, you have a HP TouchPad with Android 2.3.5 installed on it.
After restart, if you want to boot in to Android you need to repeat steps 8 and 9 only.
To remove Android from your HP TouchPad run the following (in novaterm):
lvm.static lvremove store/android-persist
lvm.static lvremove store/android-system
lvm.static lvremove store/android-data
lvm.static lvremove store/android-cache
lvm.static lvremove store/android-etc
lvm.static lvresize -L +1706M /dev/store/media

Now that you have the basic porting of Android on HP TouchPad, developers please come forward to bring in additional functionality like Wi-Fi, camera and support the community. You also have a cash prize waiting for you if you are successful in adding these functionality.
Note: If you want to have some fun, you still can lay your hands on the HP TouchPad 16 GB and HP TouchPad 32 GB at Amazon.