HOWTO : Make Sure Your Server Is Really Hidden

You are so brilliant to find a way to hide your server from the internet. However, you are not 100% sure. By using Penetrating Testing tools, you can confirm your hidden server is really hidden.

Here we use the tools in the BackTrack 5 r3.

nmap -sS -sV -v -Pn

cd /pentest/enumeration/dns/fierce/

perl -dns

*** where "" is the domain name, here is only an example.

From the last output result, make sure your server IP address is not listed when she says that she is hidden.

Now, your server IP address is not shown. So, your server is really hidden? I guess not, maybe. To further test it with the for the history records. You may find your server's IP address history records unfortunately (if any).

If your server IP address is in the history record of netcracft, you may consider to change the IP address when necessary in order to hide your server from the internet.

That's all! See you.