Personal Injury Claims and Compensation Lawyers

Personal Injury Claims and Compensation Lawyers

Here is the list of Personal Injury Compensation Lawyers which can help you in various kinds of personal injury like road accident, car accident, accident at work, medical negligence, work related illness, trip / slip injury, asbestos mesothelioma cancer, criminal injury, back / spinal injury, head injury, brain injury, environmental pollution, criminal injury, fauly product injury etc.

Road accident compensation lawyers

Road users have a responsibility to exercise caution and care for other road users when driving. Claims for compensation can arise from any death or injury sustained while either in a vehicle or having been struck by a road-going vehicle. This can be anything from a moped to a heavy goods vehicle, or as a passenger on a coach for example. If the driver of the vehicle which caused your injury was not insured, then a claim will need to be made to the Motor Insurer’s Bureau, which acts as an ‘insurer of last resort’ for the victims of uninsured drivers.

Accident at work compensation lawyers

Employers have a duty to ensure a safe working environment. Injuries caused by incidents in the workplace can include slips, trips, machinery-caused injuries, chemical induced injuries, falls from height such as scaffolding or ladders, injuries caused by being hit by moving or falling objects, physical assault. It can also include injuries caused by animals in the workplace, electricity, fire, explosion or from repetitive working practices.

Medical negligence compensation lawyers

Not all medical and surgical procedures can be guaranteed to be 100% effective, but if something goes wrong due to the negligence of the nurse, doctor or surgeon involved, then you may be entitled to compensation for the injuries suffered or the unnecessary death which results. Examples include failing to correctly diagnose diseases or injuries, surgical errors, medication errors, childbirth errors (causing death of or injury to mother or child), early failure of implants such as hip replacements, for example. It can also include claims arising from hospital acquired infections or faulty drugs or vaccines.

Work related illness lawyers

Many people are exposed to harmful substances during the course of their work. Employers are obliged to protect their employees from these substances and if they negligently fail to do so, causing death or injury, you may be entitled to compensation. Examples include: exposure to asbestos many years ago where you have now developed an asbestos related disease; exposure to dust in many industries such as wood-working, textile and mining leading to lung diseases; cancers and skin diseases caused by exposure to chemicals or radiation; exposure to excessive noise causing deafness; vibration injuries; microbial diseases contracted when working in the healthcare sector or laboratory research environments.

Trip/slip compensation lawyers

Injuries such as trips and slips are often known as ‘public liability’ claims. They can include, injuries sustained on council properties, sports facilities, in hospitals (but not as a result of medical negligence), public transport buildings, or other places where the owner or occupier has control of the premises.

Asbestos mesothelioma compensation lawyers

Many people have been exposed to asbestos, sometimes decades ago, during the course of their work, or perhaps as a result of living with someone who perhaps brought asbestos fibres home on their work clothes. In the past, some people living close to factories where asbestos was processed were also exposed to it, in the environment. Employers are obliged to protect their employees and others from exposure to asbestos and if they have negligently failed to do so, causing death or injury, you may be entitled to compensation.

Criminal injury compensation lawyers

If you have been an innocent victim of a crime of violence, then you may be able to claim compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). There is no need to wait for a successful criminal prosecution in order to make a claim. To qualify for compensation you need to claim within two years of the crime being committed. You must also have reported the crime to the police as soon as possible. You can claim for both physical or mental injury - but only those mental injuries which are defined by the scheme.

Back/spinal injury compensation lawyers

Spinal injuries and more general back injuries can result of any number of types of accidents, including transport related accidents or accidents at work for example. If the accident has been caused by someone’s or a company’s negligence, then it may be possible to claim compensation for the injury and the cost of future care, for example if the spinal injury is serious.

Armed forces compensation lawyers

Although the armed forces still have some immunity from being sued in certain circumstances, which is known as ‘crown immunity,’ it is now possible to claim compensation from the Ministry of Defence for injuries which are negligently caused in the armed forces. These can include failure to provide the proper equipment leading to injury, military training accidents, bullying or traffic accidents, for example.

Abuse/assult compensation lawyers

If you have been an innocent victim of a crime of violence, then you may be able to claim compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority (CICA). There is no need to wait for a successful criminal prosecution in order to make a claim. To qualify for compensation you need to claim within two years of the crime being committed. You must also have reported the crime to the police as soon as possible. You can claim for both physical or mental injury - but only those mental injuries which are defined by the scheme.

If you have been the victim of sexual, physical or emotional abuse in childhood, it may be possible to claim compensation either from the person who inflicted the abuse, or from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Authority. Both children and adults who were abused as children may be able to make out a claim. In the past, abusers who have been sued have included employers, adoptive or foster parents, social services, staff in schools and children's homes, charitable organisations and religious orders.

Child injury compensation lawyers

Teachers, schools and local educational authorities are all required by the law to look after the children in their charge as if they were a reasonably careful parent. Accidents in the classroom, gymnasium, on the school sports field, during school trips are may mean the school/teacher/education authority is liable to pay compensation for injuries, provided the care and supervision was negligent. Other types of claims against schools or education authorities may include those relating to bullying or failing to provide adequate education for pupils with special educational needs such as dyslexia.

Environment/pollution compensation lawyers

Everyone has a duty to protect the environment by ensuring that hazardous products are not negligently released into the ground, water supplies, the air or into people’s homes, for example. Many aspects of this duty are regulated by law. For example, manufacturing companies must not pump untreated waste into the river system or allow dangerous emissions to leach into the atmosphere. Other types of environmental pollution can include noise or vibration.

Fatal accident compensation lawyers

Any accident where a person is killed as a result of negligence could result in a claim for compensation by the dependents of that person. These include the wife, children and parents, depending on the circumstances.

Faulty product compensation lawyers

Products which are either faulty or dangerous can cause injuries. In such cases, claims are governed by specific laws which can give rise to claims for compensation. Examples of such claims include the recent ‘itchy sofa’ claims where consumers suffered severe skin complaints after sitting on sofas which had been treated with dangerous chemicals; defective gym equipment; exploding glass drinks bottles; other types of faulty containers; injuries caused by faulty vaccines or blood products have also been the source of recent product claims where injuries were caused.

Head/brain injury compensation lawyers

Traumatic brain injuries can result of any number of types of accidents, including transport related accidents, accidents at work or caused by faulty products for example. If that accident has been caused by someone’s or a company’s negligence, then it may be possible to claim compensation for the injury and the cost of future care, for example.

Human rights compensation lawyers

The Human Rights Act 1988 came into force in October 2000. It sets out rights and freedoms, such as the right to a fair trial, right not to be tortured or to a private and family life, and the right not to be discriminated against on grounds of sex, race, colour, language, religion, political or other opinion. Where an individual’s human rights have been breached, then there may be the basis of a claim for compensation.

Recreation/holiday compensation lawyers

Injuries which are sustained on holiday abroad are types of claim which are often subject to different rules on time limits or the types of claim which can be made on your behalf. For instance, if you are injured on a ship or in an aeroplane, you may only have two years in which to start a legal action for compensation. If you are injured on holiday, the rules change depending on whether you booked your holiday as a package or not.

Injuries caused to, or by, either participants or spectators in the course of sporting and recreational activities, can if they are caused by negligence, give rise to a claim for damages. From football and rugby to boxing and extreme sports such as kite-surfing, for example, negligent actions may lead to injury.

Transport compensation lawyers

Accidents involving types of transport other than on the road may have different time limits in which to make a personal injury claim for compensation. These include aviation, shipping, and hot air ballooning accidents, for example. Other forms of transport also include accidents involving as trains, trams, horses, motorcycling injuries, for example.