Reasons and Solution for Socket Error 10061 Connection Refused

Reasons and Solution for Socket Error 10061 Connection Refused

This article demonstrates various reasons and causes of Socket Error 10061 Connection Refused. We will also discuss the solution and ways to fix the Socket Error 10061 Connection Refused.

Reasons: Socket Error 10061 Connection Refused may be caused due to following reasons:

1. Firewall has blocked the program to use that socket
2. Antivirus had done the damage for you

How to check whether a particular port is working or not?

You can use telnet command to check on command prompt like this:

telnet xxxx

(telnet )
If telnet is not installed in you system, you can install it with some simple steps:

1. Click Start, and then click Control Panel.
2. On the Control Panel Home page, click Programs.
3. In the Programs and Features section, click Turn Windows features on or off.
4. If the User Account Control dialog box appears, confirm that the action it displays is what you want, and
then click Continue.
5. In the Windows Features list, select Telnet Client, and then click OK.

Solution: Ways to fix Socket Error 10061 Connection Refused

1. Manipulate Your Antivirus

There are times wherein the connection is being blocked or refused by your antivirus because it is labeled as a harmful program or connection. This is why you need to make sure that your antivirus does not stand in the way. There are two ways to do this.

The first thing that you can try is to change the settings of your antivirus in such a way that it allows all of the subprograms from a specific program to make a connection with your unit. This ensures that you won’t have to disable your antivirus which can allow harmful programs to pass through. The bad part is that only certain antivirus programs have this type of option.

The second option that you have is to completely disable your antivirus. You won’t have to manipulate the program that much which can save you time and energy. The bad part is that you are exposing your computer to a lot of harmful programs.

2. Check the Ports

If you are using a different program, then you might need to make sure that certain ports on your computer’s network are open. This is why you need to open and check your configuration settings. If you are using a computer from a place where in certain ports are restricted or closed such as those computers from universities, it is best to use another computer. If this is not really an option right now, then you should still try to open and configure the network settings of the computer that you are currently using and make sure that everything is congruent to the desired setting.