Slackware Mayan Tee Shirt Arrived

On October, me and some fellow of Indonesian Slackware Community decided to help Slackware Linux Project by buying some items from Slackware Store and we decided to buy the new Mayan Tee Shirt. In total, there were 15 people who joined since i limit the number of buyers. I was afraid that my credit card limit wasn't sufficient to pay too much items.

Few days ago, the package has arrived in the custom and the officer called me about this package and i have to pay tax for this package. I paid the tax as of this morning and finally i got the package on my hand today. The items are already being re-packaged to be delivered to the buyers around Indonesia next Monday.

Thanks to the Indonesian Slackware Community who have generously participating on this event and big thanks to Theresa and Toni from Slackware Store for helping me get this order processed smoothly. I'm sorry for those who couldn't join this event this time. Maybe you can ask for other member to be the coordinator for the second batch?