Swatch and SSHblock SlackBuilds on SlackHacks
After conducting more thorough testing on the SlackBuilds for swatch and SSHblock this morning, finally i pushed those two packages on my SlackHacks repository as well as to SBo project.
Since this is my first time building packages that utilizes Perl modules, i hope i did it correctly. Well, at least it didn't break my system during my own testing on my desktop. Anyway, i would like to give some tips prior building those two packages.
1. Upgrade your CPAN modules to the latest version. This could take some time to complete and not all of them can be upgraded as some of the modules requires a development version of Perl. You can ignore those packages. You can do this by performing this commands on your terminal (as root user):
Suppose you decided to install using CPAN, from the previous cpan prompt, you can just install the dependencies using:
When you have done all above tips, you are ready to compile and install swatch and SSHblock using my SlackBuild. Give it a try and let me know if something goes wrong.
Since this is my first time building packages that utilizes Perl modules, i hope i did it correctly. Well, at least it didn't break my system during my own testing on my desktop. Anyway, i would like to give some tips prior building those two packages.
1. Upgrade your CPAN modules to the latest version. This could take some time to complete and not all of them can be upgraded as some of the modules requires a development version of Perl. You can ignore those packages. You can do this by performing this commands on your terminal (as root user):
- perl -MCPAN -e shell
- upgrade
Suppose you decided to install using CPAN, from the previous cpan prompt, you can just install the dependencies using:
- install Date::Calc
- install Date::Manip
- install File::Tail
- never_block_these (IP addresses that won't get blocked)
- history_file (location of the tracking file of the blocked IPs)
- send_email (your email address)
- email_level (how many counts before the application send you an email)
- myhostname (your host name)
When you have done all above tips, you are ready to compile and install swatch and SSHblock using my SlackBuild. Give it a try and let me know if something goes wrong.