vmware workstation 9 on Ubuntu 12.10

I tried to use Ubuntu 12.04 but seems it has a serious problem(Kernel) which freeze the Modern Laptop such as Dell xps 15 series. As a security related work we need to work for long time 1day-weeks without powering off the Laptop. Anyway, To solved the problem i installed the Ubuntu 12.10 which has kernel 3.5 and may have been fixed the issue . I tested it and it still no freezes whereas Ubuntu 12.04 freezes within 24 hours but Vmware Workstation get installed but there is a problem of kernel when you boot and start the vmware.

To solved this issue you you need to patch it which is found in vmware forum.

Do the following:

1. Download: http://communities.vmware.com/servlet/JiveServlet/download/2103172-94260/vmware9_kernel35_patch.tar.bz2

2. Extract: tar xvf vmware9_kernel35_patch.tar.bz2 .

3. root@best:~/Downloads# cd vmware9_kernel3.5_patch
root@best:~/Downloads/vmware9_kernel3.5_patch# ls
patch-modules_3.5.0.sh  vmware3.5.patch

4. nano patch-modules_3.5.0.sh &
rm /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/misc/vm*

5. You will see(Full bash shell) :  

#! /bin/bash
# VMWare Workstation/Player _host kernel modules_ patcher v0.6.2 by ©2010 Artem S. Tashkinov
# Updated for VMware 9 / VMplayer 5 on kernel 3.5
# Use at your own risk.


    echo "$*. Exiting"

bdate=`date "+%F-%H:%M:%S"` || error "date utility didn't quite work. Hm"
vmver=`vmware-installer -l 2>/dev/null | awk '/vmware-/{print $1substr($2,1,5)}'`

unset product
[ -z "$vmver" ] && error "VMWare is not installed (properly) on this PC"
[ "$vmver" == "workstation$vmreqver" ] && product="VMWare WorkStation"
[ "$vmver" == "player$plreqver" ] && product="VMWare Player"
[ -z "$product" ] && error "Sorry, this script is only for VMWare WorkStation $vmreqver or VMWare Player $plreqver"

[ "`id -u`" != "0" ] && error "You must be root to run this script"
[ -f "$ptoken" ] && error "$ptoken found. You have already patched your sources"
[ ! -d "$basedir" ] && error "Source '$basedir' directory not found, reinstall $product"
[ ! -f "$fpatch" ] && error "'$fpatch' not found. Please, copy it to the current '$curdir' directory"

tmpdir=`mktemp -d` || exit 1
cp -an "$basedir" "$bkupdir" || exit 2

cd "$tmpdir" || exit 3
find "$basedir" -name "*.tar" -exec tar xf '{}' \; || exit 4

patch -p1 < "$curdir/$fpatch" || exit 5
tar cf vmmon.tar vmmon-only || exit 6

cp -a *.tar "$basedir" || exit 20
rm -rf "$tmpdir" || exit 21
touch "$ptoken" || exit 22
cd "$curdir" || exit 23

vmware-modconfig --console --install-all

echo -e "\n"
echo "All done, you can now run $product."
echo "Modules sources backup can be found in the '$bkupdir' directory"

Now delete the Unnecessary red colored code and re-execute. 

6.   reboot. 

Now Enjoy your visualization!

Perhaps they will release another version of workstation which will support those latest kernel(You may try).  

Update: Vmware 9.0.1-894247 Released and full support for Ubuntu 12.10 .