WebEX Meeting Center Conference Calling Service Provider Features Review

WebEX Meeting Center Conference Calling Service Provider Features Review

This article provides a detailed review of the WebEX Meeting Center Conference Calling Service Provider . It lists various features and business benefits of WebEX Meeting Center Conference Calling Service Provider .

WebEX Meeting Center provides high-quality conference call services in each of the following features they provide: audio broadcast, multiparty video conferencing, 24-hour system access, blocked entry, multiple presenter controls, a participant list, meeting recording and replay, and automated invites and RSVPs. Meeting Center is the simplest plan for conferencing call services that WebEx provides and, although they have set the limit for 25 participants, that number can be adjusted by talking to a customer support representative and discussing your needs. Once you have selected the option to use multiparty video conferencing as a part of your web meeting you can choose to have one, two, four or six web video windows on your screen at a time. Like the chat, notes and participant lists, each features opens in a window on the right of the page. The window provides tools and areas for each designated feature making them easy to access and easy to use.

File Sharing:

Through the conference call services, users are able to share documents, applications or desktops flawlessly. While all participants collaborate using the same window, the host has the power to share an entire desktop and replace that window at any time. Anything installed on the host computer can be opened on-screen for the entire conference to view. The host can also access a remote computer desktop to share during the meeting. All documents or applications stored on the hard drive can be shared with all meeting participants.

In addition to opening a document, application, file or web browser to share with participants, the host also has the ability to share a document or application. The host can upload material that will then be transferred to participants. We were impressed at the ease and seamless ability WebEx provides going from one desktop to another and by the realtime transfer available for files and documents.

Interactive Abilities:

The interactive capabilities of WebEx are more advanced than any other application we used. Their polling features, web tours, virtual hand raising, whiteboard functions, voice over internet, chat and survey capabilities, and post conference report are detailed and convenient. The whiteboard was more advanced than the other whiteboards we found in other applications. It is easy to use and you can type in a variety of colors and sizes as well as place your cursor anywhere on the whiteboard to begin. You can draw in a variety of colors and line sizes, and participants can add arrows with their name on them. The whiteboard can be the size of your entire desktop or it can appear within the web conferencing window.

Ease of Use:
After registering for WebEx, signing in and starting your web conferences is fast and easy. You will be navigated to a webpage that has two tabs: Meeting Center and My WebEx. Through the Meeting Center you will be able to manage your web conference calls by selecting one of the options provided: attending a meeting, hosting a meeting and web conference set up. Through My WebEx you can view your account and all scheduled meetings by day, week, month or list. Users can access meeting details, which provides the meeting status, date, time, estimated duration, login information and an optional agenda provided by the host. WebEx has made everything simple to access, and it's always right at your fingertips.

WebEx has created a very user friendly interface that you will have all access to once you have logged into your web conference. A menu bar is displayed across the top of the window provides users access to the conference call services, features and tools in each category. On the left hand side of the page are four buttons labeled Participants, Chat, Video and Notes. All or none of these buttons can be selected at a given time. As you click on the buttons the connected feature will appear on screen; for example, when you click on the chat button an area will appear for you to type messages and view other remarks made by conference participants. Within minutes of starting the application and playing with the tools and features we were able to do more with this service than we had with other services we spent hours testing. This conference call system was designed for users, and we believe it shows through the ease of use and simple navigation.

Help & Support:
In addition to an online account management system that easily allows users to adjust details and settings, WebEx provides a number of other ways for users to make changes, get help or find answers. We tested their services and we contacted WebEx every way possible: through the phone, via email and concluded with chatting. Each of the methods we tested proved to be an excellent way to get in touch with a customer service representative. The customer support and technical help staff was very friendly and didn’t make us feel inferior as we asked questions that any new user could have. They walked us through the service step by step and made sure that our questions were answered to our full satisfaction.

The website provides a user guide, FAQs and tutorials that offer a great deal of help and assisted us in becoming more familiar with the service. The tutorials are a group of short demo videos that offer "How To" tips for new users as they walk them through the specific functions of the program step by step. The FAQs section is broken up into five different categories: Hosting, Joining and Setting up Meetings; Application and Document Sharing; Using Audio and Video; System Requirements and Optimizing Performance; and an "Other" section. There is also a section of articles that offer help finding solutions for your conference calls. We found the demos, articles and FAQs useful and a great asset provided by WebEx. Although you can use the conference call services without reading all of the help resources, it would not hurt to take a few minutes to go over some of the information to ensure you are using the service to its fullest potential.


WebEx Meeting Center provides a number of options for the features and tools that they make available. In addition to the selection they offer, users can rest assured that they are getting a high-quality product that will assist in making their web conferences efficient and impactful. With these benefits and the excellent customer support they provide, our choice was made simple – Meeting Center is the number one solution for conference call services.