Zip Conferencing Conference Calling Service Provider Features Review

Zip Conferencing Conference Calling Service Provider Features Review

This article provides a detailed review of the   Zip Conferencing Conference Calling Service Provider . It lists various features and business benefits of   Zip Conferencing  Conference Calling Service Provider

The features provided by Zip Conferencing are easy to access and easy to use. The conference call service provider not only allows audio broadcast and multi-point videos to be incorporated into your meeting but also provides blocked entry to the conference call where participants need a code to enter the audio chat or web meeting. They also provide multiple presenter controls which allow the guests to become the presenter of the conference call at any time.

File Sharing:

Hosts are able to upload presentations and documents that they can then transfer to their audience. There is also an AppShare feature that allows the host to share an application from their desktop or their entire desktop with participants. The file and desktop sharing worked smoothly as we uploaded a variety of documents and presentations to transfer and share.

Interactive Abilities:

A number of features provide interaction and allow each of the participants to have a voice. In addition to the whiteboard feature which allows users to take notes, brainstorm and draw out plans the service provides polling, question and answer as well as chat capabilities. All of the features are transferred to participants and results sent to the host in real time. Their Q&A feature allows the host to set up the questions like a test, providing true or false, multiple choice with one correct answer or multiple choice with various correct answers.

Ease of Use:

After signing in we had trouble getting the web conference homepage to open in our browser. Zip Conferencing provides a test where you can test your computer and make sure your system meets the requirements for the service to work; we performed this test countless times and each time it said we were good to go yet when we tried opening the window it failed to run. This was frustrating but with the help of a rep we opted to try a different server and it worked.

Once the conference call has opened the interface is very simple to navigate. Buttons run across the top of the window and are labeled by an icon and a text title so there is no confusion which button will provide you with which tool. On the left hand side of the screen hosts can view a list of their participants, a video image and a chat box where participants and the host can communicate with one another.

Help & Support:

When we emailed Zip Conference regarding the services we received an email response answering all of our questions within ten minutes. We also found their chatting feature very useful and although there was a short wait we were connected to a customer support rep that was able to discuss their services with us. We contacted the customer support team multiple times and each time we were promptly assisted and had all of our questions resolved without delay.


Zip Conferencing is an excellent conference call service provider. We were happy with the tools that they provided, the customer support team and the usability of the interface. The system requirement test should be updated to ensure that users can access their conference; other than that, we felt this program is an excellent choice.