2008 China (Tianjin) International medical, pharmaceutical and medical device development - pharmace - Business

Start time: 2008-10-18 End time: 2008-10-20 Venue: Tianjin Contact: Smart Contact Phone: 010-84966236 84965841 Sponsored by: Chinese Medicine & Health Products Marketing Association Sponsor: Journal of Nutritional Science Research Council 2008 China (Tianjin) International medical, pharmaceutical and medical equipment exhibition Location: Tianjin International Exhibition Center Time: October 18, 2008? 20 Concerned about health care for life Organizer: China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine & Health Products Marketing China International Institute of Chinese Medicine & Health Products International Group China Healthcare Industry Tianjin International Exhibition Center Excellence International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Beijing Wuzhou Sponsor: Chinese Nutrition Science Research Council Hong Kong International Traditional Chinese Medicine Research Chinese medicine and health magazine Supported by: Tianjin Pharmaceutical Group Northeast Pharmaceutical Group Tianjin Pacif ic Holdings Group Tianjin Zhongxin Pharmaceutical Tianjin Smith Kline Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Tianjin Institute of Medical Devices Undertaker: Beijing International Exhibition Co., Ltd. Wuzhou Excellence Introduction The four municipalities of Tianjin as one of China's northern economic center; party " " and "Eleventh Five-Year Plan" also included in the Tianjin, the country's overall development strategy, relying on Beijing to Tianjin, located in Hebei, the service loop Bohai Sea, radiation 3 North (Northeast, North, Northwest), for East Asia, into a modern manufacturing R & D base, northern international shipping center and logistics center. Strong industrial base in Tianjin, a full range, has formed a biotechnology and health care industry in modern medicine, new energy and environmental industries represented by the six pillar industries base. Tianjin is the region with its excellent strength and good investment environment, become the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze River D elta, China's economic growth in the third grade and most comprehensive development potential manufacturing base. For the pharmaceutical and medical industry, reinforced by supply and demand in domestic and international communication and exchanges between the two sides, buyers and sellers realize the zero contact, we will hold "2008 China (Tianjin) International medical, pharmaceutical and medical equipment exhibition "will further deepen the connotation of the activities, adhering to promote the development of the industry, expand international exchanges and expand international Cooperation Areas, the development of international economic and trade relations, the activities of the enterprise services for the purpose, by products, technology, industry seminars and other means to speed up China's pharmaceutical and medical industry to set up exchange and cooperation platform for the international market. Exhibition will showcase the industry in recent years, new products and new technologies, the exhibition will become a national pharmaceutical and medical device industry, and industry focus of another event, a gathering of business opportunities in domestic and foreign buyers, casting the image of the enterprise, stage show brand. We sincerely welcome your interest and participation. We will display rich content, superior service and efficient management so that the show can be a rewarding experience for all participants. Show Content: 1. Medicine Products: Chinese patent medicines, new drugs, for external use, gynecological medicine, traditional medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, bio-pharmaceutical, chemical, pharmaceutical, medical Intermediate , API Etc.; 2. Pharmaceutical Equipment : Pharmaceutical machinery, pharmaceutical packaging machinery, pharmaceutical testing equipment; 3. Medical devices: diagnostic equipment, therapy equipment, rehabilitation equipment, laboratory equipment, clinical laboratory equipment and reagents, ECG monitor ing equipment, chemical and biological testing equipment, rescue equipment, dental equipment and materials, operating room equipment, ophthalmic equipment, Analyzer Devices and other medical equipment; 4. Other: drug storage facilities, medical waste treatment system, health care systems and medical consumables, medical care, medical reagents; Fees: 1. Standard Booth 9? (3m 3m) Note: The double-sided opening 20% surcharge International Pavilion: 7800 / Booth, extension of domestic exhibition: 6800 / Booth, extension of foreign enterprises: $ 2800 / Booth, extension joint ventures: 12800 / Booth, extension 2. Basic price of open space (an area of not less than 36?) / Booth, extension Domestic enterprises 800 /? / Booth, extension outside the company $ 260 /? / Booth, extension [Standard booth includes: 9? Site, 2.5-meter-high wall, fascia board, 9? Carpet, negotiating table, two chairs, 220V power socket, fluorescent 2]; double openings Booth 20% surcharge fee; conferenc e fee 600 / person (including lunch, souvenirs, etc.); space fee includes: exhibition venues, security, cleaning services (not including special equipment for power supply and the management fee will be paid management fees of light ); Catalogue: 1. In line with the exhibitors during the exhibition publicity and allow customers to understand and after that exhibitors can communication and contact with the Organizing Committee Conference Proceedings will be well-produced, Proceedings addition to the distribution of professionals visiting the site, but also to the industry department , Proxy Operators, vendors, user units, the Institute, the Society (Science) will be sent to other units, enterprises can identify specific bulletin board layout, size: 210mm * 285mm 2. Journal page charges: