Computer Forensic Professionals - Computers - Computer Forensics

In this increasingly digital world, computers and mobile phones allow us to complete a range of processes wherever we are in the world, such as checking our bank balance, uploading photographs and chatting with our friends. Unfortunately, there are some individuals who illegally take advantage of this technology, using it to aid them in a variety of criminal activities. In criminal cases, it is vital that a computer forensic professional analyses digital data found on these devices, to help the police to maintain the chain of evidence between the device and those involved to the crime.

During the time that a UK-based company has been established, they have witnessed computers and other technological devices being used to facilitate a number of illegal activities including fraud, identity theft, blackmail, drug dealing, assault, murder and terrorism.

In these instances, it is vital that professionals who are qualified in the field of computer forensics are brought in to identify data, to be used as evidence by law enforcement agencies as part of their investigations. In the corporate world, there are some companies who may think that their in-house IT team are able to recognise this illegal use. This specialist would strongly recommend that they are not charged with this task as the integrity of the data could be damaged or at worst, lost completely.

Their team have worked hard to achieve ISO9001 and ISO27001 accreditation, which are international standards for quality and Information Security Management Systems. At present, they are also working towards ISO17025 and ISO14001 certification. Alongside their experienced staff and flexible services, they are confident that they will be able to achieve results no matter what the project. In short - if the data is there, they'll find it.

Computer forensic teams can not only benefit individual cases, they can also work on an on-going basis alongside a number of companies such as, legal services, law enforcement agencies, the corporate sector, criminal defence, legal aid and the public sector.

Details about computer forensic services and how they can be used as part of criminal investigations can be found on the company's website. To discuss a project with a member of their team, in strict confidentiality, call the number on their website or enquire online by filling out their contact form.