Don't Despair! Computer Forensics Can Help Bring Justice To A Court Case - Law

Technology is a very big part of many of our lives, but the majority of people that use computers, mobile phones and even satellite navigation don't know that their actions can be traced.

Specialists within the computer forensics industry, have experts and equipment to extract information that could be vital within a court case, even if the accused thought the files had been removed.

Using advanced technology, experienced analysts can uncover files from most digital devices. If proved to be a vital source of information, this evidence could be crucial to obtaining a conviction.

Of course, many people think that computer misuse only applies to the illegal downloading of indecent images, but this type of behaviour is only the tip of the iceberg. Computer forensics can be used to trace information related to terrorism plots, harassment and much more.

Court cases gather a variety of evidence to come to a decision about a conviction. Many people feel that unless paper copies of evidence are traced, the accused will be found innocent. Of course, with so many different forms of communications these days, technology has advanced so much to cater for the digital age.

Convictions can be closed due to evidence found within files on a computer extracted by such analysts. Mobile phones also reveal much more than many people expect and with new advances such as the forensic extraction of data from satellite navigation units, the chances of digital evidence being used as legitimate evidence within a court case is increasing

It is vital to understand that even if you suspect the misuse of technology, you should never try to tackle it yourself. Professionals have the correct equipment to ensure data is kept in it's purest form and tampering with this, even by turning on a computer, can make extraction harder or even invalid in court

So, if you are involved within a court case currently, be aware that computer forensic experts may be involved to help gather crucial evidence.