Energy Monitors ? Keeping Track of the Pennies

One of the best money and energy-saving gadgets out there isn't strictly speaking an eco friendly product. Energy monitors neither directly save energy themselves, nor are they made in a particularly eco friendly fashion; however, in the battle against climate change and helping householders save both money and energy, they are leading the fight.

Energy monitors do just as the name suggests: they monitor you energy use but do so in a way where you can really see where your energy, and your money is going.

There are a wide variety of energy monitors on the market but most can provide you with real time information of not just the amount of energy that is being used but how much it is costing too.

The greatest benefit of an energy monitor is that it can both save you money and energy without you having to change your lifestyle. By identifying waste you can continue using all those power hungry items, just as you have done, but by eliminating waste you will make quite dramatic savings on your bills.

With an energy monitor you can identify just exactly how much each appliance uses; you can see just how big a difference it makes when you turn things off standby; you can tell what times your energy use peaks, and you know just when a light or an appliance has been left on.

Energy and electricity monitors vary in both price and sophistication, but even a budget energy monitor will produce real time information enabling you to work out where energy is monitored. A more sophisticated electricity monitor will let you monitor your energy usage in minute detail; convert it into graphs, to allow you to study the data, and even let you monitor you energy use remotely, across the internet.

Whilst energy monitors don't directly save money, the amount of energy you can identify that is being wasted will soon pay for whatever initial investment you spend on the monitor it will also give you some comfort in the knowledge that you are also saving energy and reducing your carbon footprint.