findmyhash 1.1.2 - Python script to crack hashes using online services try to crack different types of hashes using free online services.
NOTE: 2.0 is coming!! The new version will have many changes and improvements. Some of these changes are:
  • Empty hashes recognition
  • Multi-thread analysis
  • Algorithm recognition from the hash value
  • Pause and Resume options
  • Save the results into a file
If you have some suggestion you would like to see in the new version, email us or use the "Issues" tab.

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In this version 2 bugs have been corrected:
- findmyhash run without libxml2 and that threw an exception
- cracked hashes with whitespaces weren't showed correctly.

Added 2 news online databases and support for 7 new algorithms: SHA224, SHA384, SHA512, GOST, WHIRLPOOL, LDAP_MD5, LDAP_SHA1 1.1.2


python algorithm OPTIONS

Accepted algorithms are

Valid OPTIONS are

-h hash_value: If you only want to crack one hash, specify its value with this option.
-f file: If you have several hashes, you can specify a file with one hash per line.
NOTE: All of them have to be the same type.
-g: If your hash cannot be cracked, search it in Google and show all the results.
NOTE: This option ONLY works with -h (one hash input) option.


  • Try to crack only one hash.
  • python MD5 -h "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6"
  • If the hash cannot be cracked, it will be searched in Google.
  • python SHA1 -h "A94A8FE5CCB19BA61C4C0873D391E987982FBBD3" -g
  • Try to crack all the hashes of a file (one hash per line).
  • python MYSQL -f mysqlhashesfile.txt
  • More examples:
  • python MD4 -h "db346d691d7acc4dc2625db19f9e3f52"
    python findmyhash
    .py MD5 -h "098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6"
    python findmyhash
    .py SHA1 -h "a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3"
    python findmyhash
    .py SHA224 -h "90a3ed9e32b2aaf4c61c410eb925426119e1a9dc53d4286ade99a809"
    python findmyhash
    .py SHA256 -h "9f86d081884c7d659a2feaa0c55ad015a3bf4f1b2b0b822cd15d6c15b0f00a08"
    python findmyhash
    .py SHA384 -h "768412320f7b0aa5812fce428dc4706b3cae50e02a64caa16a782249bfe8efc4b7ef1ccb126255d196047dfedf17a0a9"
    python findmyhash
    .py SHA512 -h "ee26b0dd4af7e749aa1a8ee3c10ae9923f618980772e473f8819a5d4940e0db27ac185f8a0e1d5f84f88bc887fd67b143732c304cc5fa9ad8e6f57f50028a8ff"
    python findmyhash
    .py RMD160 -h "5e52fee47e6b070565f74372468cdc699de89107"
    python findmyhash
    .py GOST -h "a6e1acdd0cc7e00d02b90bccb2e21892289d1e93f622b8760cb0e076def1f42b"
    python findmyhash
    .py WHIRLPOOL -h "b913d5bbb8e461c2c5961cbe0edcdadfd29f068225ceb37da6defcf89849368f8c6c2eb6a4c4ac75775d032a0ecfdfe8550573062b653fe92fc7b8fb3b7be8d6"
    python findmyhash
    .py LM -h "01fc5a6be7bc6929aad3b435b51404ee:0cb6948805f797bf2a82807973b89537"
    python findmyhash
    .py LM -h "01fc5a6be7bc6929aad3b435b51404ee"
    python findmyhash
    .py NTLM -h "01fc5a6be7bc6929aad3b435b51404ee:0cb6948805f797bf2a82807973b89537"
    python findmyhash
    .py NTLM -h "0cb6948805f797bf2a82807973b89537"
    python findmyhash
    .py MYSQL -h "378b243e220ca493"
    python findmyhash
    .py MYSQL -h "*94bdcebe19083ce2a1f959fd02f964c7af4cfc29"
    python findmyhash
    .py MYSQL -h "94bdcebe19083ce2a1f959fd02f964c7af4cfc29"
    python findmyhash
    .py CISCO7 -h "12090404011C03162E"
    python findmyhash
    .py JUNIPER -h "\$9\$90m6AO1EcyKWLhcYgaZji"
    python findmyhash
    .py LDAP_MD5 -h "{MD5}CY9rzUYh03PK3k6DJie09g=="
    python findmyhash
    .py LDAP_SHA1 -h "{SHA}qUqP5cyxm6YcTAhz05Hph5gvu9M="


Screenshot -