Five ways to deal with a hypercritical boss

Five ways to deal with a hypercritical boss

You love your job , your colleagues are fun, and the pay’s nothing to crib about either. But perfect as that sounds, it comes with a major fly in the ointment: an overly-critical boss. He’s the one who always manages to find something negative about that project you slaved over, keeps hounding you with instructions and advice, and micromanages at every step. It can make work a pain, but not if you know how to handle it.

1. Take a good look at yourself

That’s the starting point when you have an overly critical boss. Look at it from a learning point of view. Examine your own performance. Try and gauge if there’s something lacking at your end and whether there is some justification to your boss’ criticism. Being receptive is a part of learning and growth.

2. Always address the issue

It never pays to suffer in silence. The issue needs to be worked out. Don’t be accusatory. Approach your boss politely, directly and diplomatically and try and find out why he is being so critical. In nine out of 10 cases, your boss will come around and give you feedback. If there is someone who doesn’t and has a personal problem with you, then maybe it’s time to move on.

3. Keep the communication going

Keep your boss in the loop about whatever project you may be working on with frequent updates. Get feedback and ask directly so you know what the boss wants.

4. Do not lose your composure

One of the best ways to deal with such bosses is to be patient and professional as far as possible. If the boss is being overly critical, do not let yourself cry or lose your temper. Listen to what your boss says, speak calmly in return, and try not to take any harsh words personally.

5. Maintain a good relationship

Doing this will hold you in good stead. It is very important to have a robust working relationship with your colleagues. They are more likely to be there for you if you are a team player and offer support in return. In fact, your ability to promote, communicate your value with colleagues and superiors is equally important.