How to love the job you hate?

How to love the job you hate?

We all are aware about the feeling of getting out of bed every Monday morning. We spend our highest-energy hours working, and families get what’s left. The problem of being stuck in a job you hate is that it makes your- self worth take a hit. Money is the not the only employee motivator and job satisfaction plays a very important role. The following tips can be used to make things better in a job that doesn’t rouse your interest.

1. Communicate: Let your boss know your achievements and problems. Don’t boast and don’t grumble. Define the problem at hand and offer ways to solve it.

2. Do Something for Yourself: Take on a project that’s dear to your heart or set aside time for what you do best.

3. Seek Feedback: Ask your boss and co-workers, “How am I doing?” Make it clear that you seek feedback to improve your performance and not because you crave praise.

4. Tackle Tough Assignments First: Get the difficult or unpleasant work out of the way first, because it doesn’t improve with time and will look truly hideous after lunch. This also allows you to finish the day with something you find challenging and enjoyable.

5. Have A Little Fun: Work isn’t play, but it doesn’t have to be mind-numbingly serious all the time. A few jokes will boost everyone’s morale.

6. Encourage Teamwork: Teamwork is a good way to increase productivity. Working in teams is a learned skill. If you don’t know the basics, learn them and share your insights with others.

7. Maintain your health: Pay attention to your physical and mental health. Stick to the basics: Eat right, exercise and get enough sleep. If you feel tired, your job performance will suffer.

8. Get a Life: People who have interests outside work make better employees. Take the time to do whatever you are passionate about. No one has ever said on his deathbed, “I wish I’d spent more time at the office.”