Professional Suicide: How people ruin their career?

Professional Suicide: How people ruin their career?

Professional suicide can be defined as a series of acts and actions of arrogance or any other activity that one regrets doing, which ruins the career of an individual. Even the most successful executives and leaders can suddenly “go off the track”and ruin their careers.

The following factors cause successful executives and professionals to fail:

1. Poor Interpersonal skills: Although technical competence may initially pay off, but as one moves up in an organization, interpersonal skills become more important. Having an arrogant style, being insensitive to those around you, or coming off cold and aloof can lead to being dejected by managers and supervisors.

2. Over-Controlling and Inability to Delegate: In today’s team-centered corporate world, it is important to be able to work successfully with others to get the job done. Managers who try to do it all by themselves, or who are unable to build a team, are likely to fail.

3. Big Mouth and non-performers: This breed of people talk a lot but their talks do not hold any substance. Through their words they can build beautiful castles and do the impossible but when it comes to execution or performance, they don’t even get any closer to their words. They find excuses for their non-performance.

4. Inability to Adapt: Change is the only constant thing in organizations. Employees who fail to adapt to changes become obsolete. This results in failing further on projects and producing inferior results.

5. Lack of commitment and accountability: These people are never willing to make any commitment. They prefer not to have deadlines for any targets and when asked to finalize a date, they make an excuse that their work is influenced by external factors.

6. Inability to think strategically: Quite often, we get bogged down in the day-to-day work and focus too much on short-term goals. However, career success requires constantly looking at the big picture, and thinking strategically about it. Strategic thinking helps in anticipating problems, recognizing new opportunities, and building a track record of accomplishments.