The Importance of Cystoscopy in Urinary Tract Infection - News

The risk of having urinary tract infection or cystitis can differ from one person to the other. For instance, those people having urinary problems caused by kidney stones or those with enlarged prostate are mostly susceptible to acquire UTI. There are a lot of possibilities of getting an infection to the urinary tract. It could be probably due to poor hygiene, unhealthy sexual intercourse or those who have been exposed to urethral catheter. People who have diabetes are also prone to having such urinary condition since their immune system is weak. There are also some cases where people are exposed to having an infection at an early age; it could be because they have some urinary problems as a child.

A lot of studies show that urinary tract infection is mostly seen in women. This is because a female sexual organ is an open system and it is normally moist, thus bacteria can easily climb around the tract and the onset of infection begins.

A person with cystitis experiences a painful and burning sensation when urinating that is deeply felt along the bladder and the urethra. Every time they pee, they only eliminate a small amount of urine and yet they have a strong urge to pee. The color of the urine of a person with UTI is rather strange. It is usually cloudy, sometimes reddish because of the presence of the blood in some cases. There is also the onset of fever that is a common symptom for any kind of infection. Some experiences back pain, body fatigue and vomiting. Children who are suffering from cystitis are mostly moody and they lack the appetite to eat.

Urinary tract infection can be diagnosed through a series of laboratory tests to the urine sample. The urine is examined for the presence of bacteria and the doctor will then prescribe proper treatment. However, in serious cases, and if the urine test is still not enough, a cystoscopy is necessary to diagnose the infection.

Cystoscopy is a diagnostic exam that is usually done to people having a suspected endometrial cyst. In some cases, a doctor orders to carry out this procedure for possible urinary tract infection most especially if it is already a chronic case. It is a procedure done by the doctor to see the internal structure of the bladder using a cystoscope. A cystoscope is a thin tube instrument with several lenses. The light source coming of this instrument helps in visualizing the condition of the bladder.

It is important to undergo cystoscopy during the onset of urinary tract infection. There are instances that a urine sample is just not enough to determine how serious the case is. When there is excessive pain in urinating and the client is positive for hematuria and protenuria, one should undergo a custoscopy to be able to find the proper treatment. This is not an invasive procedure; you can still eat and drink while preparing for the procedure, so there's nothing to be afraid of.