The Power Behind Automatic Social Bookmarking Software: Bookmarking Demon User Review - Web 2.0 - Social Bookmarking

Take a mundane task and multiple it by 25 other mundane tasks, do this daily 7 days a week for months and you have the wonderful world of social bookmarking. Bored to tears one lonely weekday night I discovered the power behind automatic social bookmarking software.

The concept I understood and putting this application into action was really quite straight forward but the results were simply staggering.

I kid you not, I had websites that were struggling to stay within the first 50 SERPS and I was fast losing heart with them.........then Bookmarking Demon 4.0 stepped up to the plate and things got interesting.

Within 48 hours I was in the top three page results and with a little tweaking here and there, I climbed to the top half of the first page - Kerrrching, the money started to come in on pages I had simply given up on.

That's not to say Bookmarking Demon will help you flog a dead horse...of course not the pages have to be relevant and contain great content the reader needs plus the product I was promoting had to stand up and be counted too but Bookmarking Demon definitely made light work of something that would have otherwise taken me weeks maybe even months to achieve.

For all the sceptics and internet purist out there, this is not spamming it is just common sense.......why spend hours submitting bookmarks when some clever so and so has devised a way we can do it within minutes legally? After all humans are still entering the content and keywords for each is this any different to using a calculator?Nope I'm sorry I don't care for the internet marketing do gooders - I am here to make money online and if automatic social bookmarking software like Bookmarking Demon helps me achieve my definite purpose online quicker then I am happy to bow down to its superior ability!

Get your copy of Bookmarking Demon 4.0 today