How to remove windows password without software

To retrieve the windows login
password do the following steps: 

1.Restart the windows and
wait for the message.
"Starting windows 9x..."
2. When you see this on the screen, press f8. The boot menu will come up.
3. Select option 7,to boot into dos.
4. then go to the windows directory by typing c:\>cd windows
5. Then rename all files with the
extension .pwl by typing the following command.

Or ,delete them by typing

6. Than save and restart.
All work is done here.
Now, for the window password login popups, you can write anything in the place where the password has got to be typed. As you have renamed the
password fies, windows cannot find
that file so when you enter a
password, windows just takes it as the original password.
I hope this will helpful for uuuu...