How to upload shell in wordpress sites

WordPress :- It is a free website building site and used by the most bloggers. It has many features and plugins. It is quite easy to use.
There are many vulnerabilities and exploits for hacking WordPress sites but mine favorite method is Symlink .When you got the access to the wordpress site. You think how to deface it.. and how to upload shell in the wordpress site.
So here’s the easy way to upload shell in the WordPress sites.
Things you require
WordPress site
Theme ( Any wordpress theme )
Sharp Brain
Download shell from ( any php shell ) .
After downloading any theme. It will be in .rar format open it and paste your shell in the theme. ( You can simply drag & drop the shell in the theme when it is open in the win rar ).
So lets start the Hacking
First of all login to the site and go to the Appearance column in the left.
Now go to the Themes and click on Install themes
After that Click on Upload. Select the your theme. ( Uploaded shell theme ) and upload the theme.
Now shell has been uploaded in the site with the Theme.
Your shell link will be .
Hope this tutorial will be helpful for you and don’t forget to share it
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