NAV 2009 Reports - Common Issue & Resolutions..

Hi all,

I know it to late but I wish you all a very Happy  & Prosperous New Year. I am so much busy these days that i can't even make a Blog entry.

So here is the list of points that i will be coming up in next few days (once i will get free) -

As most of us still working on NAV 2009 Reports. Let's figure out the challenges we face during development of RTC Reports.

1) Report Header in First Page Only?
2) Report Header in All Pages?
3) Report Footer in Last Page Only?
4) Report Footer in All Pages?
5) Report Footer in Last Page Bottom Only?
6) Resetting page number while running report for multiple records?

I will be posting entries for all these points, if anyone have any other doubts about RTC Report please add it as comment on this article. I will try to figure out the solution for same and will append the above list.

Let's try to work to RTC reports as easy as it used to be in Classic Version.

Saurav Dhyani