Protect Your Password, Protect Your Security

Having a strong password does not guarantee security of your data and information saved online. Its just a mirage unless you find out that your account has been hacked. There have been times when users unknowingly pass on their passwords and sensitive information to hackers. And you would have to bog your minds and have different passwords for every online account of yours, in order to save from password theft. It's not a Hercule's task - all you need is to be cautious and prudent about your online activities.

Securing your password is upto you

In a famous case of password theft, Mitt Romney, the U.S presidential candidate put up the same password for all his online accounts including his hotmail and Dropbox accounts. Although hotmail has a safe encryption which keeps the password secured and protected, other sites which require signup do not offer this level of protection. Most of the times it is unavoidable to signup for a site on World Wide Web, which results in collecting handful of passwords that are not easy to remember. In order to keep track of the passwords, users usually keep single password for various sites and email accounts, which is vulnerable to the threat of hackers.  Best way to avoid any such threat is to make different variations of the same password, so that it can be remembered and if forgotten, can be retrieved easily.

Free internet or gateway to spyware?

Open Wi-Fi networks are not a chance to get free internet only. Without the knowledge of the user, free internet also brings in different forms of spywares. Open Wi-Fi networks are connected to the computer system of the user. These networks can work as spywares and record all the activities of the user. This works in the similar pattern to that of a cell phone, in which the cellphone monitoring app/software keeps track of the activities of users through the apps installed. Similarly, the Wi-Fi can access your secured information, which includes saved passwords, files and documents on the system.

Certain software like Firesheep and Wireshark has been developed to monitor the computer systems that are connected to open Wi-Fi. No matter how strong the firewall a computer has, chances are the user will give out the password without knowing it.

Taking help from keylogger

Hackers do not need to inject spyware into your computer, but also records every key that the user hits on the keyboard. This is not only restricted to PCs or laptops, as your cell phone can also be monitored through iPhone or Android monitoring software that can monitor the smartphone's keypad. More and more employers are now installing this application in the office systems, to detect the activities of their employees and amount of work they do. Through this app, employers have been able to get sufficient information on the activities of their sub-ordinates.

Ensure seperate passwords for the online accounts and sign-ups on any website, otherwise you can be an easy target for the hackers. 

Author Bio:

Natalia David has been a regular contributor as tech writer, expert for some time now. Her work has received great appreciation from readers who turn to her to keep themselves updated with the latest happenings in tech world. You can also follow her on twitter @NataliaDavid4

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