The Truth Behind Search Engine Submission Software

Let's look at search engine submission software?

What really is search engine submission software and does it really exist? - Well I'm going to completely answer that question by saying submission software is....USELESS!

It's true, submitting your website to search engines using software is really pointless and it won't help you achieve any traffic or higher rankings!

Maybe you've been fooled by the hyped up adverts of...submission to 1000's of search engines, get millions of hits every day with our special submission service!

Well...answer this question...why search engine do you use? I'm guessing it's probably Google, Yahoo or Bing, correct?

Exactly...that's the same as 99% of other people! Nobody bothers with the other search engines, and even though there may be 1000's it doesn't mean you'll actually get any traffic because nobody is using them! - Also...if you don't already know submitting your website to Google doesn't really do much for you, in fact...there's much better ways of getting your site indexed quickly and just because you "submit" your site to Google doesn't mean that you'll get ranked decently!

It's a big misconception but I personally believe that these companies or "scam sites" who sell these rubbish submission packages just prey on un-educated people! People like yourself who came looking for search engine submission software...

Now, when I use the term un-educated I don't mean it to be offensive, but basically all it means is that you haven't been told the truth about submission services and how they really work! - It basically means these companies are looking for people who'll just believe the hype because they haven't been told the truth!

The truth is if you go for one of these submission services you'll find yourself out of pocket and you won't have any more visitors to your website! - The companies may tell you that they've sent 1000's of hits thanks to your submissions but I can guarantee it will be all lies!

What's The Solution Then & What Do I Recommend?

The solution is that you stay away from search engine submission services because they WON'T get you anymore visitors to your website and instead you concentrate on search engine rankings! - Search engine rankings are what WILL get you high quality traffic, so if you can work on getting your site ranking well, you'll be sorted!