Apps: do we regard them as a protected species?

Here's a request for assistance on a topic that has not received much coverage to date on this weblog, and it comes from a real live Charly who is definitely not a right or proper Charlie:
"My name is Charly Plasman and I am a Bachelor of Law student from the Netherlands. For my internship at Novagraaf Nederland B.V. I will be researching the relationship between mobile applications ('apps') and intellectual property in Europe.The main question of the research will be
‘Are the intellectual property rights regarding the development and use of apps taken into account enough?'.
The aim of this research will be to gain more insight in the market for apps, and the consequences that the latest developments and use of apps have in the field of intellectual property.  
Although I have been able to find some information about this subject, there is not a lot literature available. I was wondering if you might be willing to point out some articles or blogs, if there are any, out this subject".
This Kat remains to be convinced that apps deserve to be treated separately from any other category of IP-protectable work, whether the standards by which protection is assessed are those of the European Union, the United States or anywhere else.  He is also sceptical as to whether the taking into account of IP regarding the development and use of apps will provide any insight into the market for them -- but he is willing to be persuaded to the contrary if the arguments and/or evidence are strong enough.

If any readers have identified relevant literature or -- as is quite likely -- are in the middle of writing it, their information, suggested reading and general comments are very much welcome.  Please post your comments below, or email them to the IPKat here with the subject line "Apps".

Charley's Aunt here and here
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory here