Easy-Creds 3.7 Install Script 0.1 - BackBox Scripts

BackBox is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It has been developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. Designed to be fast, easy to use and provide a minimal yet complete desktop environment, thanks to its own software repositories, always being updated to the latest stable version of the most used and best known ethical hacking tools.

Easy-Creds 3.7 Install Script 0.1

This script (inst-0.1.sh) will :
  1. Add easy-creds to main BackBox menu
  2. Add nice start icon for Easy-Creds
  3. Remove install script from /opt/easy-creds directory
  4. Make symbolic link to run easy-creds from terminal with sudo easy
To do :
  1. Add remove function for other files after installation download.
  2. Check all directories, then remove.
  3. Add all download files to github repository.

How to use script ?

To get full install, easy-creds need to be installed in /opt directory.

Open terminal and type :
chmod +x inst-0.1.sh
sudo ./inst-0.1.sh

About tool and author ?
