PHP Vulnerability Hunter - an advanced automated whitebox fuzz testing tool

PHP Vulnerability Hunter is an advanced automated whitebox fuzz testing tool capable of triggering a wide range of exploitable faults in PHP web applications. Minimal configuration is necessary to begin a scan; PHP Vulnerability Hunter doesn’t even need a user specified starting URI.

Download updated version on 20-jan-2013
Several improvements to SQL injection scanning
Added static analysis based vulnerability detection
Multiple static analysis improvements
Updated launcher
Optimized code coverage memory usage
Several improvements and fixes to code coverage
Several lexer fixes and optimizations
Improved spidering
Overhauled hooking
Several CLI enhancements
Misc error handling fixes
Improved arbitrary upload scan
Command scan now uses probe exe rather than calc, no longer blocking responses
Added input map and code coverage views to report viewer
Added annotation report
Added code coverage message
Added plugin config files
Added new fuzz strings to command injection plugin
Added console logging
Added automatic repair
Added unit tests
Added integration tests
Added code coverage commenting
Fixed variable discovery infinite loop bug
Fixed several crashing bugs
Fixed file deletion false positives
Fixed multiple local file inclusion scan bugs
Fixed arbitrary PHP execution scan bug
Fixed bug that caused phpb files to be scanned on windows 7 machines
Fixed hooking include bug
Fixed race condition in init

Download other versions from here


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