Tata Comm brings flawless global LTE roaming into reality


Tata Comm brings flawless global LTE roaming into reality 
Tata Communications Limited has unveiled details of its 18-month intensive trial to deliver one of the industry’s first complete LTE Roaming Services to Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). The LTE Roaming Service is designed to eliminate the interconnection and interworking complexities of global LTE roaming. The experience gained from the trial resulted in a managed service that simplifies global roaming complexity, offering a single interconnect point and facilitating protocol interworking across multiple mobile operators.
With 4G LTE revenues projected to exceed $100bn globally in 2014, enabling users to roam in 4G is critical to maximising revenues. Tata Communications’ LTE Roaming Service enables MNOs to fast track their roll-out of LTE roaming in a cost-effective and scalable manner, while creating differentiation in a highly competitive marketplace. The end-to-end managed solution leverages the company’s extensive experience as the largest mobile signalling inter-provider to streamline roaming interconnect arrangements between mobile operators, replacing the need for hundreds of bilateral peer associations with a single centralised robust interconnect point. This simplifies roaming interconnect to deliver a seamless user experience and assure service continuity as mobile operators migrate to 4G.
“Demand for 4G services is set to explode within the next two years, with some providers announcing price plans which are comparable to 3G. To support this, our LTE Roaming Service is already in place to reduce the complexity and risks for MNOs as they move to 4G. This drives efficiencies,....See More