Call for Donation

Eric Hameleers has called for help for his next project: ARM port for Slackware in which he will start it with Google Chromebook which is now sold in his country. It would be nice to have Slackware running on those devices since it's quite popular and it has good specs.

The cost for buying the devices is 299 EUR and right now, he is asking for donation to buy this device so that he can continue with his work, bringing ARM port for Slackware which targets newer generation of ARM CPUs. The other project by Stuart Winter, SlackwareARM is focusing on older generation of ARM CPUs. If this project works, we will have an option to use more Slackware variations on different ARM devices. Cool huh?

With some help from the community, we hoped (if it's possible), then we could have another official port in the next Slackware release. They have done it with SlackwareARM for Slackware 14.0, and probably, we could have another one on next release. Sweet...

Head to Eric's blog to find the donation button and start donating...

We all know Eric for his work on KDE, LibreOffice, multilib, and tons of useful SlackBuilds on his repository such as VLC, FFMPEG, Steamclient, and many more.