Friday fantasies

How people used to enjoy themselves on holiday in the days before
we all played with our hand-hand internet-enabled devices
The IPKat, Merpel and the blog team take this opportunity to wish all their readers a very Good Friday and a happy and peaceful holiday weekend, in those jurisdictions that are experiencing a brief burst of vacation and indeed everywhere else, without discrimination or regard to their religious, political and economic beliefs.  

Around the weblogs. The IPKat's friend and occasional guest writer Jani Ihalainen, currently in Australia, has started his own blog: you can try out IP lustitia here. If you'd like to tell Jani what you think of it, or just say "hi", this is where you can email him.  Not as exciting for the world at large but gratifying for its blog team is the news that Art & Artifice has shuffled off its old blogspot name and now lives at the far more swanky address of, here. On PatLit Dave Berry notes the flood of applications for US patents from applicants who prefer the "old system" to that of the America Invents Act, while there are two goodies on IP Finance: fellow Kat Neil posts a powerful piece on Dell's value as an IP repository and Mike Mireles looks at the value of The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit brands in the wake of its being licensed for gambling machines. On the 1709 Blog, Ben Challis looks at tattoo art, while Iona Harding notes the new Spanish ploy of taking action against companies that pay to advertise on pirate sites.

Liege and Lief.  The University of Liège, Belgium, is offering a part time (65%) academic position in the field of Innovation and Intellectual Property Rights, with effect from 1 October 2013. The university says it would like to attract as many talented applicants as possible [Merpel doesn't see why, if it's only going to employ one of them ...].  The job description -- and everything else tou need to know about the application -- can be accessed here.