Hackertarget Toolkit V2.0 - Tools As Well As Network News To Assistance Organizations Amongst Fix On Surface Discovery

Use opened upward source tools as well as network intelligence to aid organizations amongst assail surface discovery as well as identification of safety vulnerabilities. Identification of an organizations vulnerabilities is an impossible trace of piece of employment without tactical news on the network footprint. By combining opened upward source news amongst the worlds best opened upward source safety scanning tools, nosotros enable your assail surface discovery. With the mightiness for Internet assets to live deployed inwards seconds, the assail surface is to a greater extent than dynamic as well as always growing. This real fact makes mapping your external network footprint a difficult problem. We aim to furnish solutions to solve this problem. Start amongst our tools for domain as well as IP address data, as well as thus pin to mapping the exposure amongst hosted opened upward source scanners. We accept developed a linux lastly tool using python programming linguistic communication through an api which nosotros received from !

How practise y'all run it?

Clone amongst HTTPS
git clone https://github.com/ismailtasdelen/hackertarget.git cd hackertarget/

Run pip3 install to prepare this script
pip3 install .

Run hackertarget CLI script via next command
python hackertarget.py 

View :
root@ismailtasdelen: # python hackertarget.py    _               _              _                          _  | |_   __ _  __ | |__ ___  _ _ | |_  __ _  _ _  __ _  ___ | |_  | ' \ / _` |/ _|| / // -_)| '_||  _|/ _` || '_|/ _` |/ -_)|  _|  |_||_|\__,_|\__||_\_\___||_|   \__|\__,_||_|  \__, |\___| \__|                                                 |___/            Ismail Tasdelen  | github.com/ismailtasdelen | linkedin.com/in/ismailtasdelen |   [1] Traceroute [2] Ping Test [3] DNS Lookup [4] Reverse DNS [5] Find DNS Host [6] Find Shared DNS [7] Zone Transfer [8] Whois Lookup [9] IP Location Lookup [10] Reverse IP Lookup [11] TCP Port Scan [12] Subnet Lookup [13] HTTP Header Check [14] Extract Page Links [15] Version [16] Exit  Which option release :

Menu :
  • [1] Traceroute
  • [2] Ping Test
  • [3] DNS Lookup
  • [4] Reverse DNS
  • [5] Find DNS Host
  • [6] Find Shared DNS
  • [7] Zone Transfer
  • [8] Whois Lookup
  • [9] IP Location Lookup
  • [10] Reverse IP Lookup
  • [11] TCP Port Scan
  • [12] Subnet Lookup
  • [13] HTTP Header Check
  • [14] Extract Page Links
  • [15] Version
  • [16] Exit

Cloning an Existing Repository ( Clone amongst HTTPS )
root@ismailtasdelen: # git clone https://github.com/ismailtasdelen/hackertarget.git

Cloning an Existing Repository ( Clone amongst SSH )
root@ismailtasdelen: # git clone git@github.com:ismailtasdelen/hackertarget.git

Changelog v2.0:

  • To back upward the python3 version at least, using the print(...) function.
  • Split the hackertarget_api from hackertarget.py file.
  • Added the hackertarget_api test.
  • Added setup file.
  • Added .travis.yml file as well as integration was achieved.
  • raw_input role is undefined inwards python-3.x versions. Using the input role instead.
  • Using the mock tests because nosotros don't request to examination the external API service. We tin assume that external API service is expected successfully.
  • Added the tool version information module.

Reference :