[Hook Analyser v2.4] Application (and Malware) Analysis tool

Application (and Malware) Analysis tool. Hook Analyser is a hook tool which could be potentially helpful in reversing application and analysing malwares.

Changelog v2.4
  • Hook Analyser can now analyse DLLs. (Part of the Static Malware Analysis Module)
  • The deep trace functionality has been improved significantly, and now it supports searching (and logging) for traces such as Shellcodes, Filenames, WinSockets, Compiler Traces etc.(Part of the Static Malware Analysis Module)
  • Exe extractor – This is one of the feature which is useful for incident handlers, essentially allows dumping of executables from process/s, which could then be analysed using Hook Analyser, Malware Analyser or other tools for anomalies check. (New module added)
  • The static malware analysis has been further improved, and new features have been added. I will let you explore this.(Part of the Static Malware Analysis Module)
  • Minor bug fixes.

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