How Hackers Make Botnets To Infect Systems [Part 2]

Hello RHA readers, we are back with How To Setup A Botnet [Tutorial For Noobs] [Part 2]. Those who haven't read previous part than check the first part in order to understand part two, as it is the sequel of How to setup a Botnet.

Part 1: How To Setup A Botnet [Tutorial For Noobs] [Part 1]

So in this part we will teach you how to setup a Botnet.

Step 1:

Now after hosting the server, Extract Bot builder in you computer.
Download it from here

Step 2:

After extracting, you'll a application for BOT Building with 'VNBuilder' name.
Run the application.
It would be like as shown in image:

 step 3:

Check the box in the below.

Step 4:

Now go in the 'Web Setting' Tab. Type the website where you have set your server in ROOT WEBSITE URL column. Remember your website url should be like this, No Http:// in starting. Leave the port number as it is. Now type the folder in which your server is set, And it should be like /folder name/. leave All other thing as it is. As it is shown in image:

 Step 5:

Now Go to Load settings tab, check the 'INSTALL LOADER TO START UP' option. Like in the image:

Step 6:

Proceed to last Tab BUILD LOADER, Now if you want to change icon of your virus than go to top right of under build loader tab, You can add icons their for your virus, additional icons are given with builder. You can even change the extention from .exe to .bat and few others, In the bottom of window you can find option to change extension. Now In the last click Build.
Builder will ask where to save with which name, provide your desire one.

Step 7:

You've successfully created Bot. Now in order to check whether the bot is working or not RUN it in you Computer, Turn your antivirus It'll detect the virus. After running virus, go and login in the server you made in part one of this tutorial. If your virus is created Successfully than you IP will be appearing in the server list with your computer name. Like mine:
If your Ip appearing, than you have configured Botnet successfully. Congratulations.
Thanks for reading, Stay tuned with us for more tutorials!

About The Author

This article has been written by Fahad awan, Who has recently joined RHA's team, We wish him best of luck and hope that he enjoys working for RHA.