HOWTO : nVidia Display Card on Kali Linux 1.0.1

This article has been deleted for several days due to this reason. However, more than 2 readers request this article back. Thus, it is back, enjoy!

Kali Linux is the most advanced penetration testing distribution. Back|Track 5 R3 is retired and is no longer supported. Kali Linux is based on Debian Wheezy 7.0.

This distribution can be custom build the ISO file in x86 and x86_64. The documentation is detailed and completed. The installation of Kali Linux is easy and fast.

Installation of nVidia Display Card Driver

UPDATE on October 27, 2013 : In Kali Linux 1.0.5, you need to remove winexe to install nVidia driver and CUDA driver.

apt-get update

apt-get install nvidia-kernel-source nvidia-detect nvidia-libopencl1 nvidia-opencl-common nvidia-support nvidia-opencl-icd nvidia-visual-profiler nvidia-glx nvidia-installer-cleanup nvidia-kernel-common nvidia-smi nvidia-alternative nvidia-opencl-dev libglx-nvidia-alternatives nvidia-kernel-dkms nvidia-cuda-toolkit nvidia-vdpau-driver nvidia-xconfig glx-alternative-nvidia libgl1-nvidia-alternatives nvidia-settings libgl1-nvidia-glx xserver-xorg-video-nvidia libcublas4 libcudart4 libcufft4 libnpp4 libnvidia-compiler libcuda1 libcuinj4 libnvidia-ml1 libxvmcnvidia1 libcusparse4 libcurand4 python-pycuda-doc python-pycuda-headers python-pycuda nvidia-cuda-doc nvidia-cuda-gdb


Then, reboot your box. Although the version of the driver is quite old but it is workable.

That's all! See you.