HOWTO : Update Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1 on ASUS Sabertooth X79

For routine update/upgrade of Pentoo, you need to follow the following steps :

# This syncs the gentoo and pentoo repos like "apt-get update" in debian

emerge --sync

# This updates all the normal packages like "apt-get upgrade" in debian

emerge --deep --update --newuse world -vt

# This optionally merges in changed config files. unchanged files are merged automatically


# This removes old packages which are not needed like "apt-get autoremove" in debian

emerge --depclean

# This rebuilds anything which may have been broken in update

emerge @preserved-rebuild

# This checks all the programs installed from VCS for new revisions and updates if needed


# Verifies there is no breakage after updates


# Regenerate the main menu for XFCE WM (run it under each regular account) -x

#merge in any new config files


#clean up the distfiles dir to remove old/un-needed files

eclean-dist -d


# Check /var/log/portage/elog/summary.log file

# You might need to run extra commands. For example:

emerge @x11-module-rebuild

eselect java-vm set system icedtea-bin-7

#after python/perl upgrade:

perl-cleaner --modules


That's all! See you.

Install Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1

Customize Pentoo 2013.0 RC1.1