Testing CUPS 1.6

I have been testing cups 1.6.x branch for some time and i found it quite stable here. I have used them on my machines at home and office, with direct connection to the printer and also via SAMBA which is shared on other Windows machine and to other Windows machines. Now, i guess it's time to share them to public and asking for help on testing this package.

CUPS 1.6.0 brings a lot of improvements compared to previous version of CUPS, but also it requires some changes due to some filters gets dropped and moved to cups-filter maintained by OpenPrinting. It also support Bonjour using Avahi and many other interesting features.

I have pushed cups and cups-filters SlackBuild script to my SlackHacks repository on GitHub. Please note that newer cups-filters (1.0.30 and forward) requires you to install avahi (which requires libdaemon) and they are already available on SBo project and also qpdf which is also available on SlackHacks (this one is newer than in SBo). If you don't like the idea of avahi or you don't want to install it, you can use previous version of cups-filters (1.0.29). Just edit the VERSION line and grab the relevant source and you are ready to go.

Let me know if the new package works on your environments.
As always, feedbacks are welcome :)