The IPKat's 10th birthday: join our celebration!

It's hard to imagine that a whole decade has passed since the IPKat, shortly to be followed by Merpel, first poked his nose into the blogosphere -- but that's the truth. And now, on Wednesday 12 June, the IPKat's current blogging team, together with some names and faces from the past, invite you to join them in a celebration.

This event will take the form of an afternoon seminar on IP and the Social Media, a topic that is both timely and relevant to bloggers, tweeters and other contributors to the social media.

This event is kindly hosted in the lovely and capacious London office of Allen & Overy LLP (Annsley the AmeriKat's firm), which you can find here.

This is what the programme looks like:
IP and the Social Media 
 Please note slightly revised timings! 
1300 Registration

1330 Welcome address (Nicola Dagg, Allen & Overy LLP)

1335 Chairman's welcome (Jeremy Phillips, Olswang LLP)

1340 Copyright and the internet user: (Eleonora Rosati, Cambridge University)

1405 Patents and the social media (David Brophy, FRKelly)

1430 The internet, trade marks and the social media (Birgit Clark: Baker & McKenzie Ltd)

1455 Coffee

1515 Privacy, publicity and the social media (Annsley Merelle Ward, Allen & Overy LLP)

1540 IP and the social media: an economist's view (Nicola Searle, Intellectual Property Office)

1605 The social media, IP and business models (Neil J. Wilkof, Dr Eyal Bressler & Co.)

1630 Panel discussion [we have some lovely IP personalities lined up, but you'll just have to trust us because we're not going to tell you who they are just yet ...]

1730 Chairman's summary and closing comments (Jeremy Phillips, Olswang LLP)

1745 Reception [do stay -- and say hello to us!]
1830 Close
In keeping with IPKat tradition, (i) admission is free, (ii) registration will be on a first-come, first-served basis and (iii) CPD points will be available to suitably-qualified persons.

If you'd like to register, just email the IPKat at with the subject line "birthday".  You will eventually get an acknowledgement, but do be patient!