What is going on for Kali Linux?

Today, I experienced an upset incident which Kali Linux freenode channnel banned me for I just told them the truth about the fact that one of the developers (he is muts) to delete some of the bug reports.

In my opinion, why they not rated the entries as invalid instead of deleting it. However, I was banned. Therefore, I deleted what I posted in the forum of Kali Linux (http:www.kali.org). Later learnt that I was also banned for the Kali forum.

As far as I know that Kali Linux is sponsored by Offensive Security which I was trained. Therefore, I deleted all my articles that about Offensive Security (offsec) and her courses.

I am very disappointed that the behavior of the developer (who stated that he is, balding_parrot) to act like this. Therefore, I will not use Kali Linux any more as there are many Pentesting distros out there.

That's all. See you.

Updated : You can view the full story at here.