Global connected device market to reach $814.3 Billion by 2017


Global connected device market to reach $814.3 Billion by 2017 
According to the latest report generated by IDC, the global sale of connected devices including smartphones, tablets and PCs is expected to surpass 2.2 billion units and touch revenues of $814.3 billion by 2017. 
Bob O'Donnell, IDC Programme Vice-President (Clients and Displays), said, "Consumers and business buyers are now starting to see smartphones, tablets and PCs as a single continuum of connected devices separated primarily by screen size.”
The IDC report has also revealed that the portable PC sale will grow to 240.9 million units in 2017 from 202 million units in 2012.
Bob O'Donnell further added that smartphones and tablets are creating exciting new opportunities that will continue to drive the smart connected devices market forward......See More