Nice one, Your Majesty -- and well done, Colin!

... and after
Colin Birss before he
took up judging ...
This Kat is thrilled to read the breaking news that, fresh from her other ceremonial and constitutional duties, Her Majesty the Queen has taken the opportunity to appoint Patents County Court star performer Judge Colin Birss QC to the High Court.  Perhaps surprisingly, given his long experience of and commitment to intellectual property law, he is replacing not Sir Christopher Floyd in the Patents Court (where Colin has recently been sitting quite a bit in recent times) but another recently-elevated judge whose experience of intellectual property law scarcely extends beyond creamy yoghurts (here and here) and partially clothed minor celebrities [Merpel says, it's obvious that he should replace Briggs J, since their surnames are not far short of an anagram of each other ...].

Judge Birss QC takes up his new position on 13 May.

This Kat wishes him the best of luck and hopes that the hole in the Patents County Court will be plugged by someone who doesn't mind having a hard act to follow.