How to Download Youtube Video

1. Open this website and download java software 

2. Install this software

3. Open and search your fav. video which one you want to download and copy the link from address bar

4. Now open and paste your youtube link which you copied from youtube address bar afterthat click on download button
     in this step you can face little pop-up problem but its not difficult to solve this just click on "Run this time" whenever it will pop - up and if a new window will appear in your browser regarding download video just check accept and run ( actualy this is not problem this is the security of microsoft an older version of java software can create backdoor on ur PC means can hack your pc in other thinking becoz u  downloaded a new fresh JAVA so may be it will not appear in ur browser depends on the situation)

5. After clicking on download button site will show you the option for your video download... select one of them by clicking on them 


Extra info -  There is a similar website like this process is same for downloading videos etc but i don't like to use this because there are a lot traffic and yea sometime it shows very rough videos automatically...

You can also download youtube video by replacing www. into ss try this...

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