Online Accredited Degree Programs and Distance Learning offered by Kalpan University

Online Accredited Degree Programs and Distance Learning offered by Kalpan University

Kalpan University provides a lot of online accredited degree programs and courses in various streams to the students all around the world. Kalpan University is a higher education online distance learning university which offers undergraduate, graduate and post graduate degree online programs.

Kalpan University conducts regular academic lectures through video conferencing, live audio & video streaming facilities. All of the University’s academic staff is available round the clock, and can be contacted by students via email.

Kalpan University also offers several new scholarships and grants for first-time enrolling students.

About Kalpan University

Kalpan University was founded in 1937 by Kalpan Group. Kalpan Group also owns the Washington Post. Kalpan University is headquartered in Davenport, Iowa, U.S., but has formal administrative office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida.

Kalpan University Accreditation Status

Kaplan University Online is accredited under the charter of Higher Learning Commission and is a member of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools (NCA).

Kalpan Univerisity nursing school is accredited by the Commission of Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE).

Online Accredited Degree Programs offered by Kalpan University

As stated at the begining of article, Kalpan University provides a lot of online degree and distance learning programs to the students residing all around the world. Following is the list of online degree programs offered by Kalpan University.

1. Online Arts and Sciences Degrees
2. Online Law and Criminal Justice Degrees
3. Online Nursing Degrees
4. Online Health Sciences and Medical Degrees
5. Online Business, Finance, MBA and Management Degrees
6. Online Accounting Degrees
7. Online Information Systems and Technology, Communication and various Engineering Degrees

Kalpan University Faculty and Student Enrollment Statistics

1. About 60,000 students have been enrolled by Kalpan University till now.
2. There are more than 3600 professors and instructors in Kalpan University.