Penbangv 2.0 - Penetration Testing Collection for crunchbang[Openbox(Debian)]

Penbang is a collection of tools aimed at the openbox environment. It includes Network Exploits, Vulnerability Assessment/Exploits, Network Analysis, Social Engineering tools, I.G.C, dsniff suite, and irpas. As well as a simple way of launching them.

Update 21/5/2013 Version 0.0.2 ADDED Metasploit/Armitage sqlninja sqlsus wfuzz hydra hydra-gtk findmyhash etherape SMITM log_ex ParseLog Message of the day(Anything launched by History interpreter(Arrow up shows last enrty) REMOVED ....DebianJoe, point taken tint2 config panel replacement concky config Wrong input clause in Metasploit directly form menu.xml It assumes the following. Metasploit is a service; you can start it by /etc/init.d/mestaploit start Metasploit is enabled; update-rc.d metasploit enable OR update-rc.d -f metasploit defaults IF YOU REMOVED IT Armitage directly from menu.xml Nessus directly from menu.xml Pack List Network Exploits: aircrack-ng airmon-ng airodump-ng sslstrip sslsniff reaver ettercap subterfuge yamas SMITM -----0.0.2 Update Vulnerability Assessment/Exploits -----0.0.2 Update Metasploit/Armitage sqlninja sqlsus wfuzz hydra hydra-gtk Network Analysis: scapy kismet nmap zenmap tcpdump tshark wireshark etherape Social Engineering: Maltego I.G.C: crunch john Hash-ID findmyhash -----0.0.2 Update log_ex -----0.0.2 Update ParseLog -----0.0.2 Update dsniff suite: dsniff filesnarf mailsnarf msgsnarf urlsnarf webspy arpspoof dnsspoof macof sshmitm webmitm irpas: Not all tools from irpas are used dfkaa protos netenum tctrace itrace irdpresponder irdp ass igrp file2cable cdp

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