The IPKat gets Spicy - more detail on the Indian Supreme Court Glivec Decision

This Kat was delighted to be contacted by Katfriend Prashant Reddy of the most excellent Spicy IP blog (the place to go for masterful analysis of Indian IP matters) following his earlier post here, which rather criticised the novelty analysis of the Indian Supreme Court decision denying the patentability of the beta crystalline form of imatinib mesylate (Glivec).  Prashant kindly invited this moggy to contribute a guest piece to the blog.  This Kat found it very useful to revisit the issue, and address aspects of the issues that the first post did not cover.  Readers who were interested in the first post (and even those who were not)  may care to visit the Spicy IP blog and read it here.  Both Merpel and Prashant look forward to your comments.

Readers will note that Prashant is inviting further guest posts on the topic, so aspirant bloggers (or established bloggers wishing to expand their horizons) take heed!

UPDATE Sunday 19 May 2013:

Spicy IP published a reply to my piece by Siva Thambisetty and then invited a rejoinder from me.  Here is my rejoinder.

My original IPKat post, and the first Spicy IP blog post, also have a large number of comments (and some replies by me) if you are interested to follow the debate.