Violence & Buddhism

Death does not discriminate. But in life, discrimination is rife and
all-pervading. It permeates all walks of our lives: birth, education, work and all social aspects.

In most global, regional and local conflicts, religion is the most
potent discriminatory tool being used by all involved to further their aims.

Be they the radical Islamists, belonging to various sects (Sunni/Shia)
and organisations (Al-Qaeda) or the Christian fundamentalists (ultra-orthodox evangelical
churches, especially in the U.S.) or the Hindu radical fringe groups (like the Ram
Sena), they all have centred their ideology on the religion they claim to
profess and protect.

While no religion preaches violence, Buddhism stands apart in one major
aspect: non-violence is the foundation of its tenets. Non-violence, especially compassion and tolerance
toward all living beings, is the cornerstone of Buddhism.

But then why are the peace-loving Buddhist monks leading violent mobs
against Muslims in Sri Lanka and Myanmar? Aren’t Buddhist monks meant to
be the good guys of religion, asks the BBC Magazine.

thoughts are inimical to all Buddhist teachings. Buddhism even comes equipped
with a practical way to eliminate them. Through meditation the distinction
between your feelings and those of others should begin to dissolve, while your
compassion for all living things grows.

Of course, there
is a strong strain of pacifism in Christian teachings too: "Love your
enemies and pray for those who persecute you," were the words of Jesus in
the Sermon on the Mount.

But however any
religion starts out, sooner or later it enters into a Faustian pact with state

Christian crusaders, Islamist
militants, or the leaders of "freedom-loving nations", all justify
what they see as necessary violence in the name of a higher good. Buddhist
rulers and monks have been no exception.

If you wish to know the story behind the violence between the Buddhists and Muslims in Myanmar, then click here (links to The Nation news site)