Weebdns - Dns Enumeration Alongside Asynchronicity

DNS Enumeration Tool alongside Asynchronicity.

WeebDNS is an 'Asynchronous' DNS Enumeration Tool made alongside Python3 which makes it much faster than normal Tools.

  • Python 3.x
  • pip3
  • git

  • aiohttp
  • asyncio
  • aiodns


Resolve dependencies
Ubuntu/Debian System
$ sudo apt-get install git python3 python3-pip -y

Getting together with Running WeebDNS
$ git clone https://github.com/WeebSec/weebdns.git $ cd weebdns $ sudo pip3 install -r requirements.txt $ python3 weebdns.py

Bugs together with enhancements
For põrnikas reports or enhancements, delight opened upwards an issue here.

This is the official together with solely repository of the WeebDNS project.
Written by: FuzzyRabbit - Twitter: @rabbit_fuzzy, GitHub: @FuzzyRabbit
DISCLAIMER: This is solely for testing purposes together with tin solely survive used where strict consent has been given. Do non utilization this for illegal purposes, period.
Please read the LICENSE for the licensing of WeebDNS.