Xspear - Powerfull Xss Scanning As Well As Parameter Analysis Tool

XSpear is XSS Scanner on ruby gems.

Key features
  • Pattern matching based XSS scanning
  • Detect alert confirm prompt lawsuit on headless browser (with Selenium)
  • Testing request/response for XSS protection bypass together with reflected params
    • Reflected Params
    • Filtered exam event handler HTML tag Special Char
  • Testing Blind XSS (with XSS Hunter , ezXSS, HBXSS, Etc all url base of operations blind test...)
  • Dynamic/Static Analysis
    • Find SQL Error pattern
    • Analysis Security headers(CSP HSTS X-frame-options, XSS-protection etc.. )
    • Analysis Other headers..(Server version, Content-Type, etc...)
  • Scanning from Raw file(Burp suite, ZAP Request)
  • XSpear running on ruby code(with Gem library)
  • Show table base of operations cli-report together with filtered rule, testing raw query(url)
  • Testing at selected parameters
  • Support output format cli json
    • cli: summary, filtered rule(params), Raw Query
  • Support Verbose degree (quit / nomal / raw data)
  • Support custom callback code to whatever exam diverse assail vectors

Install it yourself as:
$ precious rock install XSpear
Or install it yourself every bit (local file):
$ precious rock install XSpear-{version}.gem
Add this trouble to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'XSpear'
And thus execute:
$ bundle

Dependency gems
colorize selenium-webdriver terminal-table
If y'all configured it to install automatically inward the Gem library, only it behaves abnormally, install it amongst the next command.
$ precious rock install colorize $ precious rock install selenium-webdriver $ precious rock install terminal-table

Usage on cli
Usage: xspear -u [target] -[options] [value] [ e.g ] $ ruby a.rb -u 'https://www.hahwul.com/?q=123' --cookie='role=admin'  [ Options ]     -u, --url=target_URL             [required] Target Url     -d, --data=POST Body             [optional] POST Method Body information         --headers=HEADERS            [optional] Add HTTP Headers         --cookie=COOKIE              [optional] Add Cookie         --raw=FILENAME               [optional] Load raw file(e.g raw_sample.txt)     -p, --param=PARAM                [optional] Test paramters     -b, --BLIND=URL                  [optional] Add vector of Blind XSS                                       + amongst XSS Hunter, ezXSS, HBXSS, etc...                                       + e.g : -b https://hahwul.xss.ht     -t, --threads=NUMBER             [optional] thread , default: 10     -o, --output=FILENAME            [optional] Save JSON Result     -v, --verbose=1 iii                   [optional] Show log depth                                       + Default value: two                                       + v=1 : quite trend                                       + v=2 : present scanning log                                       + v=3 : present especial log(req/res)     -h, --help                       Prints this assistance         --version                    Show XSpear version         --update                     Update amongst online 

Result types
  • (I)NFO: Get information ( e.g sql mistake , filterd rule, reflected params, etc..)
  • (V)UNL: Vulnerable XSS, Checked alert/prompt/confirm amongst Selenium
  • (L)OW: Low degree issue
  • (M)EDIUM: medium degree issue
  • (H)IGH: high degree issue

Case yesteryear Case
Scanning XSS
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy"
json output
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy" -o json -v 1
detail log
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -d "searchFor=yy" -v 3
set thread
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -t 30
testing at selected parameters
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query&cat=123&ppl=1fhhahwul" -p cat,test
testing blind xss
$ xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/search.php?test=query" -b "https://hahwul.xss.ht"

Sample log
Scanning XSS
xspear -u "http://testphp.vulnweb.com/listproducts.php?cat=z"     )  (  ( /(  )\ )  )\())(()/(          (     )  ( ((_)\  /(_))`  )    ))\ ( /(  )( __((_)(_))  /(/(   /((_))(_))(()\ \ \/ // __|((_)_\ (_)) ((_)_  ((_)  >  < \__ \| '_ \)/ -_)/ _` || '_| /_/\_\|___/| .__/ \___|\__,_||_|    />            |_|                   \ /< {\\\\\\\\\\\\\BYHAHWUL\\\\\\\\\\\(0):::<======================-                                  / \<                                     \>       [ v1.0.7 ] [*] creating a exam query. [*] exam enquiry generation is complete. [149 query] [*] starting exam together with analysis. [10 threads] [I] [00:37:34] reflected 'XsPeaR [-] [00:37:34] 'cat' Not reflected |XsPeaR [I] [00:37:34] [param: cat][Found SQL Error Pattern] [-] [00:37:34] 'STATIC' non reflected [I] [00:37:34] reflected "XsPeaR [-] [00:37:34] 'cat' Not reflected ;XsPeaR [I] [00:37:34] reflected    `XsPeaR ...snip... [H] [00:37:44] reflected ">