Add an Ad Space or Gadget Area Beside Blogger Header

But today we gonna learn how to add an ad space or gadget area below blogger header. We can use it for displayind ads and earn some money, we can also use it for displaying or adding any gadget.

Affter adding you will see a new GADGET space like below image:

LETS START! Be carefull wile performing the below steps.
  • Go to Design => Edit HTML [in new blogger interface go to Template => Edit HTML].
  • Then Find the following codes or similar codes. [Press Ctrl+F; then search for it]
#header {
margin: 5px;
border: 1px solid $bordercolor;
text-align: center;

  • Now replace the above codes with the code given below. 
#header {
          height: 90px;}
#top-ad {
         width: 470px;
         float: right;
         margin-top: 5px;
         padding: 0;

  • Again find the code below. 

NAME OF YOUR BLOG (Header)' type='Header'>

 Note: You can only find the
  code and the rest will be below that code. 

  • Finally replace it with the code below. 

  • Now save your template
You're all done with adding a gadget area or an ad space beside your blogger header.