Android APK(No Source Code) Test in Robotium

In this article we are going to see how can we write unit tests with Robotium Framework when we do not have the source code. That means we are going to test an application using its installer apk file.

Please read my previous post for robotium setup basic

In this post we will only see the test Class used for testing stand alone APK (not with code). So, please see my this post for code start basic. I will mainly focus on test class here.

To test a stand alone application, we need to have debug version of APK file. To convert an apk to debug version, see my this post.

Like as following this post, we will not add dependency project. In stead of this step, we have to install the application in the emulator.
And add android test project in eclipse with robotium library. Now add a class(APKTestCase).

So, after adding a test class( my example class name is APKTestCase ), we will extend from ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2 without parameter(as we don't have codes, so we do not know)
So, my test class will be.

public class APKTestCase extends ActivityInstrumentationTestCase2{
}And the constructor 
public APKTestCase() throws ClassNotFoundException{

This constructor needs class name as parameter. So, how to get the class name ? We have to be very careful here. While testing with robotium, only activity name is not enough , we have to specify the class name. The screen shot is showing how to define the class name with pacakage name. This is called full class name.
So, if we do not have source code, so how can we get the class name. This is a bit tricky.
-Run eclipse and open an emulator.
-Run your installed application(if not installed, then install it first using ADB commands, use my this post)
-From eclipse, see log cat messages in no filtered mode.(usually in verbose)
After starting activity, system process shows in text section.
you can see the message like this /. : +